Robert Foley Jr Consulting - Wedding Album


Design a wedding cd-rom for a personal friend that was easy to use yet provided everything for browsing and printing.


The solution was the development of a flash based CD-ROM that also provided a directory of jpegs and an Acrobat PDF of high resolution images from the wedding.


The CD-ROM was a great success for the wedding couple and all of their close family.

Robert's Thoughts

This project was a great opportunity to learn about scripting in flash. Prior to this project I developed all of my flash as one long timeline. With this project I externalized all of the assets and dynamically loaded all of the images, audio, and external movies at startup. The most painful aspect of the project was the post production image correction. It took me over two months to correct the color and contrast on the images. Then format each for use within the flash client and the PDF album.

Project Images: